How to Attract Prospects to Your Website

by | Mar 9, 2016 | Marketing

To attract prospects and customers to your website you must be ready to speak to them. 

But who will they be and what information will they need? 



You know what type of prospect you want and what will interest them. They will be like your current customers and your target market.  Engage them as you would your best clients.  As you build your site and create your content, speak to them as if they mirror a current client. 

Attract prospects in the image of your current customers

As you develop your content it will be helpful to refine images of your buyer.  You may create a few or many of them depending upon your industry and your ideal buyers.

If you have defined your market narrowly then there will be only a few.  If a wide variety of people buy your product, then there will be many.  You should start with just a few buyer descriptions and add more as necessary.  As you think of them consider their:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Business role
  • Industry
  • Personal goals in becoming successful
  • Workplace challenges
  • Information needs

Attract your perfect prospect

The idea is to write for your website or social media pages as if you are writing directly to your customer or prospect.  And to help, you create a written profile of your customer.  Your website should speak to all of the people you deal with in your business including business owners, buyers, accounting individuals, etc.

The value of this exercise comes from creating the buyers.  It forces you to think of what they are looking for from your company.  What information do they need?  What caused / will cause them to become your customer?  What can you do on your website or in social media to keep them as customers?

Their needs change as they travel through the different stages of their buyer’s journey.  Are they developing interest, gathering information, seeking options or making a buying decision?

And what information do they need to cause them to buy?

Examine your existing pages and posts and think about what stages they would apply to.  Place it on your website so that when your visitor is ready for the next bit of description, it is handy.  Use internal links to refer to new information.  Also, use them to jump back to specifications if the reader missed them the first time through.