How to Use a Problem Solving Marketing Approach

Did you ever think about being in the solutions business? If there were no problems to solve, you’d have no sales.
What is problem solving marketing?
Your prospect is looking for an expert. He is seeking someone that has the experience and knowledge to solve his problem. From prior searches, he has learned that there is likely someone on the Internet that has dealt with the issue he is dealing with. He just needs to find that person.
As he thinks about his problem, he tries to put it in its simplest terms. He writes his query in Google’s search box and waits for a reply.
If you have solved or considered the problem he has, you also should have reduced it to its simplest terms and written a page or post about it. The simplest terms should be your keyword or key phrase. If you demonstrated your expertise in your post, Google will rank your page high enough for your prospect to find you.
Keywords are, well, key
Several years ago we used to sprinkle our pages with keywords just to make sure Google’s search engines didn’t miss it. But those people at Google are smart. They soon realized that if a keyword showed up 25 times it didn’t necessarily mean that a page’s content was helpful, only that it had 25 occurrences of a keyword.
Now to reach the highest ranks of Google search results, the keyword must be there, and the content has to be helpful. Google tracks not only how many visitors come to a site but also did they linger to read the content. And did they go to more pages on the website or did they click away?
That’s how they decide if your website is helpful. If your visitor clicks on your page but doesn’t stay for 90 seconds and goes back to the query results page, Google penalizes you.
Websites’ content creators must pick the right keywords but also have great information to retain the visitors’ attention. And it’s not enough just to show up on a Google list. Once you show up on the list (it’s called an impression) you must describe your page so that visitors choose your site to visit. That’s called a CLICK, and it’s what we all work for.
First the impression and then the click
You must first impress Google with your content to get you in the search results.
The title and the meta description cause the person browsing to click.
The meta description is the two or three lines that appear under your title in the search results page. You should write it to capture the essence of their problem and hint at a solution. It helps the reader to decide to click on your page.
Demonstrate problem solving marketing
Be helpful with the content you create, even if it doesn’t directly relate to your products. Show that you are knowledgeable about the issues they are facing. Through content, show them that you will help to make their pain points go away. Friendly, actionable advice will be well received.
Keep up with your industry and upgrade your content
Ask for visitors email address show that you can let them know as you upgrade your content. This allows you to remain in contact and provide additional helpful information down the road.
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