Venture capitalists in Silicon Valley invest huge sums of money in tech startups that build new products. To improve the likelihood of a return on their investment the tech industry developed a methodology called Minimum Viable Product or MVP.

MVP is a strategy for avoiding the development of products that customers don’t want. The idea is to rapidly build a minimum set of features that is adequate to deploy the product and test key assumptions about customers’ interactions with the product. Then the business talks with their customers about revisions that increase value and improve acceptance.

Minimum viable website

A Minimum Viable Website, like the MVP, has a minimum set of features to attract readers and increase recognition of a company’s brand. With this minimum set of features defined, the developers get started on the website’s functionality.  Graphic artists create the layout and writers begin developing content.

Before the website is finished marketers start creating an awareness of the brand on social media sites reusing the website’s finished graphics and content. They build brand awareness while the developers are building the website.  Once finished, the designers create links from social media sites to the website to increase traffic.


Borrow a page from the VC’s playbook, try the MVW approach as you create or revise your website.